Option 1: This can be put on the home page. There will be different button on for each section.
Managing the parking facility of a multi-family community can be a tedious and time-consuming job.
Why not hire the professionals? With nearly 20 years’ experience, managing parking facilities is what we do.
Every community has its own unique parking obstacles. Allow En-Route to assess your community’s present parking situation and present you with
a solution, and then help you enforce it.
We use the latest state-of-the-art technology to ease a congested parking facility. We can also help monitor commonly abused visitor parking
With our online platform, the process of issuing parking permits is now streamlined.
Residents register and submit their permit request online. Through their own online portal, they are now responsible for updating their vehicle information, such as, but not limited to, vehicle changes, plate changes, (e.g., temp paper plate to permanent plate), etc. If a tenant purchased a new car or had to have an emergency rental, the tenant can create a visitor pass for it while their online permit request is awaiting management approval. Management can also issue a temporary permit for an extended period.
We give you the option of using any of the following methods of permitting:
- Tamper-evident sticky permits: these come numbered, with hole-punch style expiration month & year. They are made to rip up if removed
- Printable permits: we provide you with special permits compatible with today’s printers (laser or inkjet). You can print these permits on demand with as little or as much information as you wish, (e.g., Make, Model, Plate, Space #, etc.)
- Combination: you can issue sticky permits for general parking and printable permits for reserved parking areas/spaces
- Virtual permits: no need for permits of any kind. The license plate becomes the permit
You can also opt to not have to reissue permits and just input existing permit #’s into their respective accounts.
Option 2: This is on its own pages services. Each button will snap to it section.

Managing the parking facility of a multi-family community can be a tedious and time-consuming job.
Why not hire the professionals? With nearly 20 years’ experience, managing parking facilities is what we do.
Every community has its own unique parking obstacles. Allow En-Route to assess your community’s present parking situation and present you with a solution, and then help you enforce it.
We use the latest state-of-the-art technology to ease a congested parking facility. We can also help monitor commonly abused visitor parking rules/areas.
With our online platform, the process of issuing parking permits is now streamlined.
Residents register and submit their permit request online. Through their own online portal, they are now responsible for updating their vehicle information, such as, but not limited to, vehicle changes, plate changes, (e.g., temp paper plate to permanent plate), etc. If a tenant purchased a new car or had to have an emergency rental, the tenant can create a visitor pass for it while their online permit request is awaiting management approval. Management can also issue a temporary permit for an extended period.
We give you the option of using any of the following methods of permitting:
- Tamper-evident sticky permits: these come numbered, with hole-punch style expiration month & year. They are made to rip up if removed
- Printable permits: we provide you with special permits compatible with today’s printers (laser or inkjet). You can print these permits on demand with as little or as much information as you wish, (e.g., Make, Model, Plate, Space #, etc.)
- Combination: you can issue sticky permits for general parking and printable permits for reserved parking areas/spaces
- Virtual permits: no need for permits of any kind. The license plate becomes the permit
You can also opt to not have to reissue permits and just input existing permit #’s into their respective accounts.
Everything goes into a database our parking enforcement team can see in real-time.

Our state-of-the-art online platform requires all visitors to register their vehicle. Their license plate becomes their permit. We can monitor and regulate how long a visitor’s vehicle is on property and how often a visitor’s vehicle is registered. This is a sure-fire way to cut down on abused visitor parking areas with excessive tenant’s vehicles and unauthorized tenant vehicles parking repeatedly.
Periodically, En-Route will provide and attach tow WARNING stickers on all abandoned, inoperable, and unauthorized vehicles parked on your property.

Storage facilities are chosen based on their amenities and proximity to your community. These facilities are well lit, equipped with camera surveillance, and open 24 hours.
In the works, our website will have a Vehicle Locator function. Anyone who has had their vehicle towed can check why their vehicle was towed and where it was towed to with address & phone number provided.
A freshly painted parking lot is usually the first thing prospective tenants, residents, and visitors see. It helps maneuver drivers and ease the flow of traffic. Allow us to provide professional striping & stenciling workmanship on your property.

Already using a digital platform for your community?
This is not a problem! Contact us and we’ll show you how we can make a smooth transition.